Demonstration of Demonstration of internal stress

Internal Stress in moldavites

What is Internal Stress Internal stress is a physical quantity which expresses inner power between the neighbouring particles inside the material. Demonstration and effects of internal stress Moldavites with strong and specifically distributed internal stress emit upon manipulation and tapping chiming sound. Such moldavites are called Angel chime moldavites. They are rare. We can even…

Noble-gas mass spectrometer for K-Ar dating

Tektites dating – determining the age of moldavites

Potassium–argon dating (K–Ar) method It is suitable as tectites (natural glass) usually contain quite high amount of potassium (including radioactive potassium 40). The amount of potassium is determined by mass spectometer. In the same way the amount of argon 40 can be measured. The date of origin of  natural glass can be calculated from the…